
Szeretettel köszöntelek!

2009. március 26., csütörtök

About WWF’s Earth Hour

Sign up to show that you care about people, wildlife and the planet, and that you want the world’s leaders to take action to tackle climate change.

Watch our short film to find out more about WWF’s Earth Hour.


More than 2,000 cities from 80 countries across the globe have already signed up. In addition, a great number of iconic landmarks will be plunged into darkness, including Nelson’s Column, the Forth Bridge, the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, the Eiffel Tower, Niagara Falls, Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Table Mountain in Cape Town and Sydney Opera House. The London Eye, too, will be dimmed for the hour. Visit our 'Who’s signed up to switch off' page to find out more.

Please join us, and help us make this the biggest mass participation event ever!

Campaigning for a global deal
This inspiring event will kickstart WWF’s global deal campaign to convince governments to agree effective action on climate change. December's UN climate summit in Copenhagen is their last chance to get it right, so we need to ensure they know we care.

Why WWF cares
Climate change is one of the most serious threats facing people and nature, and demands urgent global action. Unless we prevent average temperatures rising 2°C above pre-industrial levels, we face a high risk of severe and irreversible changes in the planet’s natural systems. Find out more.

Get involved!
Sign up, switch off and spread the word.

You can register as an individual, organisation, school or business. And once registered, you will receive information on what you can do to become more involved in WWF’s Earth Hour, including useful resources and tips.

Be creative in the dark!
As well as switching off your lights, there are many ways you can get involved. Why not host a candlelit dinner party? We have menu suggestions, top party tips and fundraising ideas.

Or you could arrange an acoustic gig, organise a movie night or get your local to put on a pub quiz in the dark.

Spread the word about WWF's Earth Hour with the downloadable posters, light switch covers, Earth Hour toolkits and more on our resources page.

Or, if you have a camera, you could produce some 'light graffiti' (read our instructions to find out how) to promote your event. Send us your messages written in light.

Share your ideas
Let us know what you're planning for WWF’s Earth Hour. You can tell your friends, and inspire the world with your Earth Hour photos and videos. There are Earth Hour communities on the main social sites on the web: Flickr, YouTube, Facebook,Twitter.

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